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The plethora of health advice that exists in our world today is overwhelming,

to say the least. Who do I trust? What do I eat? Who is the expert?

What supplements, pills, potions, or special herbs will fix my...

My approach to healing is rooted in the Wise Woman Way ~ an ancient tradition that puts the power of healing back into your own hands. Growing up with a medical doctor as a father exposed me to the very real shortcomings of the Western allopathic paradigm and so I spent many years doing my own experiential research on how to be well and heal the many symptoms I dealt with growing up. Today my knowledge weaves all these systems together and includes wisdom from Germanic New Medicine, Reiki, Folk Herbalism, and intuitive medicine. I am no medical doctor and will not "fix" you ~ rather I base my entire approach to healing on three core values: 

from fixing to freedom, from punishment to nourishment; and from looking out to looking in. This way is simple. This way is inclusive. And it works because it places the power of your well-being back into your own hands. There is no greater expert when it comes to your body than you.

In our sessions, we will explore the wholeness and uniqueness of you as an individual. Together, with curiosity and openness, we will look at what you are working with and see how we can alleviate any stress around this as well as return more nourishment and vitality to your life. 

"My health consultation with Annette was the missing piece I had needed to finally free my body and heal a lifetime of challenging symptoms. She is able to guide a person back to themselves; to remember their intuition and innate wisdom, and I believe this is one of the greatest gifts you can receive in life. I left feeling supported, heard, and truly powerful in my body. Thank you wholeheartedly."

- Elle Jackson 

Who is this for?

  • Anyone looking to foster a kind and loving relationship with their bodies 

  • Anyone who wants to trust their body's own intuitive guidance (over external "expert" opinions)

  • Anyone who is ready to approach their current health symptoms (issues) from the root

  • Anyone who experiences digestive issues, skin issues, period pain, and/or body dysmorphia 

  • Anyone who wants to feel more energized during the day and have better sleep at night

  • Anyone who is looking to tackle cravings and their addiction to the starve-binge cycles of eating 

  • Anyone recovering from veganism or elimination diets & wants to forgive & nourish themselves

  • Anyone who wants to feel and look alive and well from the inside out 

  • Anyone ready to invite more pleasure into their lives and all-around well-being


Consultation includes

  • 60 - 90 minute Zoom Call (or in-person if in same country)

  • Consults are at a sliding scale from €80 - €120 depending on your needs and financial abilities 

  • A simple and practical protocol to support you in nourishing and trusting your body once more.

  • A wild weed/herbal healing protocol. 

  • The recorded session (if you wish) plus notes for you to come back to after our time together 


Sue Main,
The Grand Africa

"This work has been life-changing for me. Annette is an amazing guide who reconnects you to nature by taking you on a step-by-step journey of infusing your own herbal potions. I love learning to do it myself as the act of doing it helps me to replenish and nurture my body back to health. Thank you for sharing your weed wisdom.

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Carey Townsend,
Go Evie Go

"I first discovered Annette and her incredible plant infusions at the beginning of 2020. I was intrigued and fascinated by the powerful wisdom behind these seemingly simple elixirs. Nutrient dense and hydrating, preparing and drinking my infusions feels like a beautiful act of self-love. Seeing them lined up on my kitchen counter even makes me smile!


Paul Rubin, 
Nude Foods

"Annette is bringing a new wave into our wellbeing spaces, by returning to something ancient within a modern context. She communicates superbly and holds a beautiful space, guiding you along the path to living a simpler, more vital life. The herbs (and weeds) she works with are magical in their ability to energize, calm, and transform.


Why Wild Weeds?

Nourishment Over Punishment 

Recovering Vegan

Intuitve Eating (& disordered eating recovery) 

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